- Management of the Spine Injured Patient:
- Physical Exam of the Cervical Spine:
- Radiology of the Cervical Spine: (Clearance of the CSpine in Trauma Patients)
- Spine Menu:
- Anesthesia in the Spinal Cord Injured Patient:
- AP of Spine
- Ankylosing Spondylitis
- Anterior Approach to the Cervical Spine
- Anterior Arthrodesis of the Cervical Spine;
- Anterior Cord Syndrome
- Anterior Subluxation & Wedge Fracture
- Atlanto-Axial Arthrodesis
- Atlantoaxial Rotatory Fixation:
- Atlantoaxial Rotary Subluxation
- Atlantooccipital Disassociation
- Atlas
- Axis
- Bilateral InterFacet Dislocation
- Brown Sequard Syndrome
- Burst Fractures, lower cervical
- Central Cord Syndrome
- Cervical Stenosis:
- Cervical Disc Replacement
- Columns of the Spine:
- Anterior column
- Middle column
- Posterior column
- Compression Fractures
- Cross Table Lateral
- CT & MRI in Cervical Frx
- Dens Fracture:
- Development of Spine
- Extension Teardrop Fracture of C2
- Facet Joint Injuries
- Flexion and Extension Views
- Flexion Tear Drop Fracture
- Grisel's Syndrome:
- Gun Shot Wounds of the Spine:
- Hangman's frx
- Halo Collar
- Hyperextension Injuries
- Hyperextension dislocation
- Hyperflexion Injuries
- Incomplete Cord Lesions
- Jefferson Fracture
- Klippel Feil Syndome:
- Kyphosis
- Laminaplasty:
- Ligamentous Instability:
- Myelopathy
- Normal Variants of Cervical Vertebrae
- Oblique view
- Occipital-Atanto-Axial Anomalies:
- Odontoid Fracture/ Disease
- Odontoid view
- Orders for the Spine Injured Patient:
- Os Odontoideum
- Osteomyelitis of the Spine
- Pediatric C-Spine
- Physical Exam of the Cervical Spine:
- Pillar View
- Posterior Arthrodesis of the Subaxial Spine:
- Prevertebral Soft Tissues
- Pseudosubluxation of the C spine
- Radiculopathy:
- Radiology of the Cervical Spine:
- References for Cervical Spine
- References for Spine
- Rheumatoid C-spine
- SCIWORA Syndrome
- Soft Disc Protrusion:
- Spinal Cord and Meninges
- Spondylosis
- Spinal Shock
- Spinous Process Fracture
- Stenosis
- Stinger
- Stress Radiographs
- Torticollis
- Transverse Ligament Rupture:
- Tumors of the Spine
- Uncovertebral joints
- Unilateral Facet Dislocation:
Also see:
Thoracic vertebrae
Lumbar vertebrae
Intervertebral Discs
"Oh, God, Thou has appointed me to watch over the life and health of Thy creatures; here am I ready for my vocation and now I turn unto my calling. May I never see in the patient anything but a fellow creature in pain."
The Oath of Maimonides, 12 th century.
Clifford Roberts Wheeless III MD
Orthopaedic Specialists of North Carolina