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- affects periarticular soft tissues resulting in joint laxity with secondary dysfunction;
- minimal synovitis - articular cartilage is preserved;
- Raynaud's phenomenon is common;
- diagnosis depends on positive F ANA test along with three other criteria:
- swollen joints
- nephritis
- pericarditis
- severe rash
- references:
Clinical Presentation
- typically affects teenage girls;
- constitutional symptoms are common;
- malar (butterfly) rash;
- affected systems:
- renal
- bone marrow
- central nervous system
- cardiopulmonary
- joints:
- painful, debilitating, red, hot arthritis;
- rarely leads to deformity;
- arthritis responds to steroids;
- lupus of the hand and wrist:
- causes ligamentous laxity affecting the MCPs;
- in contrast w/ SLE, in which phalanges are involved & knuckles are spared, erythema of dermatomyositis spares phalanges;
- reference:
Laboratory Aspects
- steroids:
- methotrexate:
- indicated for Lupus patients with major joint and/or skin involvement in whom their is no major organ involvement;
- soft tissue reconstructions are not effective;
- high recurrance rate
- joint fusions are preferable to restore stability and function;
- MP arthroplasties are effective even though they sacrifice normal appearing cartilage