- Discussion:
- usually arises from lateral side of deep femoral artery;
- in 15% of pts, it arises from femoral artery above profunda;
- LFCA passes laterally in front of Psoas & between branches of Femoral Nerve;
- passes deep to Sartorius & rectus femoris, and divides into anterior, transverse, and descending branches;
- ascending branch
- passes upward beneath Rectus Femoris & Tensor Fascia Lata;
- it anastomoses w/ terminals of superior gluteal artery ;
- transverse branch:
- enters Vastus Lateralis , winds around femur below its greater trochanter, & anastomoses on back of thigh w/ MFCA, inferior
gluteal, & first perforating arteries (Cruciate Anastomosis );
- descending branch:
- may arise separately from femoral or profunda artery;
- passes downward beneath the Rectus Femoris;
- sends branches to Vastus Lateralis & intermedius accompanied by branches of Femoral Nerve, & anastomoses w/ descending
genicular branch of femoral artery and lateral superior genicular branch of popliteal artery; (see genicular arterial system)
- it continues down fascia lata & sends multiple perforators to skin overlying fascia lata and lateral aspect of the knee;
- lateral circumflex of femoral artery is principal source of blood to the trochanteric area & inferior part of femoral neck;
- it anastomoses to limited degree w/ branches of medial circumflex;
- nutrient artery of femur sends branches to metaphysis or neck but does not contribute significantly to head