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Lateral Compartment

- See:
      - Anterior Compartment
      - Superficial Poserior Compartment
      - Deep Posterior Compartment

- Anatomy:
    - lateral compartment contains only 2 muscles, peroneus brevis, & longus, which serve primarily as plantarflexors and 
          evertors of foot;
    - superficial peroneal nerve runs in septum between peronei & EDL;
          - this nerve is rarely injured w/ closed frxs of fibular shaft, but is at risk with frxs of fibular neck, traction injuries of lower extremity 
                 (because of its relatively fixed position proximally at fibular neck), or frx at junction of middle & distal thirds of the leg, where 
                  subQ superficial sensory branch lies between peroneus brevis and extensor digitorum longus msucles;
    - pin insertion for either skeletal traction or external fixation must avoid penetration or compression of common peroneal nerve proximally 
           at the fibula;
    - extra padding and avoidance of pressure indentations over proximal fibula will help prevent the development of the peroneal palsy;
    - compartment syndromes are much less common in lateral compartment than in the anterior compartment

Tendon injuries about the ankle resulting from skiing.

Operative anatomy of nerves encountered in the lateral approach to the distal part of the fibula.