- See:
- PE of C-Spine:
- Neuro Exam
- Inspection: (scoliosis, thoracic kyphosis, lumbar lordosis, zoster ect.)
- ROM:
- extension: Phalen's test (lumbar stenosis)
- flexion:
- frequently assessed by patient's ability to touch the floor;
- ability to lean forward, however, has more to do with hip flexion than lumbar spine flexion;
- w/ forward flexion there should be a reversal of the normal lumbar lordosis;
- Palpation:
- cva tenderness (pyelonephritis ect.)
- paraspinal tenderness (osteoporotic kyphosis vs. tumor)
- Waddel criteria
- Provocative Tests:
- SLR (HNP vs. Diskitis)
- Femoral Nerve Stretch Test (L3-4) HNP
- Reflexes:
- Biceps................C-6
- Tricep................C-7
- Knee..................L-4
- Ankle.................S-1
- Babinski
- Bulbocavernosus
- Motor:
- Psoas......................L-2
- Quadriceps.................L-3 L2-L3 disk
- Tibialis Anterior..........L-4 L3-L4 disk
- Ext. Hallucis..............L-5 L4-L5 disk
- Gastrocnemius..............S-1 L5-S1 disk
- Blad Sphincter.............S-2
- Anal Sphincter.............S-3 (sacral sparing & cauda equina):
- Misc:
- Instability and Wt Relief Flexion Test
- Hoover Test
- Sacroiliac Joint Pain:
- elicited with the patient lying on the affected side without support (Gaenslen's test), direct compression,
or Flexion, Abduction and External Rotation (FABER test)