- Discussion:
- straight leg raising, by itself, can produce pain from a variety of sources, including myogenic pain, ischial burisitis, annular tear, and
hamstring tightness, as well as herniated disc;
- the critical distinction is made by the sciatic stretch test;
- this test is performed after a straight leg raising test by lowering the affecting leg a few degrees below the point ...
- popliteal compression:
- applying compression to the popliteal fossa helps tethether the sciatic nerve and should help provoce symptoms with a lesser
degree of a SLR (removing hamstring irritation as a cause of symptoms);
- reverse sciatic tension test;
- performed by plantar flexing rather than dorsiflexing the foot;
- if this results in increased complaints of pain, then pt is malingerer
Straight leg raising test versus radiologic size, shape, and position of lumbar disc hernias.
Ipsilateral sciatica on femoral nerve stretch test is pathognomonic of an L4/5 disc protrusion.