- Nerves:
- Median nerne C5 C6 C7 C8 T1
- Radial Nerve C5 C6 C7 C8 T1
- Ulnar Nerve C8 T1
- Medial Antebrachial C8 T1
- Wrist & Hand Extensors:
- Extensor Indicis C6 C7 C8
- Ext Carpi Radialis Brevis C6 C7 C8
- Extensor Carpi Ulnaris C6 C7 C8
- Extensor Digiti Minimi C6 C7 C8
- Extensor Digitorum C6 C7 C8
- Extensor Indicis C6 C7 C8
- Extensor Pollicis Longus C6 C7 C8
- Iliocostalis Cervicis C6 C7 C8
- Lumbricals C6 C7 C8
- Abductor Digiti Minimi C8
- Flexor Pollicis Brevis C6 C7 C8 T1
- Flexor Pollicis Longus C6 C7 C8 T1
- Triceps Brachii C6 C7 C8 T1
- Pronator Quadratus C7 C8 T1
- Flex. Dig. Superficialis C7 C8 T1
- Flex. Dig. Profundus C7 C8 T1
- Opponens Digiti Minimi C7 C8 T1
- Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis C8 T1
- Interossei C8 T1
- Anatomy:
- C-8 & T-1 anterior nerve roots convey preganglionic sympathetic fibers for innervation of head & neck to
corresponding spinal nerves, from which they pass to ganglionated sympathetic chain;
- further laterally these 2 spinal nerves acquire bulk of postganglionic fibers for the hand and arm;
- consequently, injury of the C-8 & T-1 nerve roots or of corresponding spinal nerves close to vertebral column does not
affect sympathetic innervation of arm but interrupts those to same side of head causing vasodilatation,
anhydrosis, & dilated pupil (Horner's syndrome)
- C8 Radiculopathy:
- rare occurance;
- unlikely to cause pain;
- interossie motor weakness is consistent finding;
- Diff Dx: Anterior Interosseous Nerve Syndrome
- the correct diagnosis is made by determining the function of the muscles innervated by the C-8 portion of the ulnar nerve;
- C8 Cord Lesion:
- care of the spine injured patient:
- splits:
- opposition and Intrinsic muscle function absent;
- possible to use static hand orthosis with MP stop;
- person will use their own natural tenodesis action;
- oppens hand splint for C8 functional levels;
- used to abduct the thumb into position so that one can flex the fingers against it and use it as a post;
- not used for C5 or C6 injuries since finger flexors are out
Long-term results of the Steindler flexorplasty.
Clinical diagnosis testing and electromyographic study in brachial plexus traction injuries.