- pisiform bone and from the tendon of the FCU ;
- two slips; into ulnar side of the base of proximal phalanx of little finger;
- into ulnar border of aponeurosis of extensor digiti minimi expansion of finger extensor tendons;
- abducts little finger & helps flex its proximal phalanx at MP joint;
- flexor gigiti minimi brevis, oppenens digiti minimi;
nerve supply
ulnar nerve from brachial plexus, C8;
- this muscle may contract in R.A. and keep the finger abducted;
- flexor brevis digiti minimi lies on volar surface of hypothenar area w/ small separation between it & abductor of little finger;
- thru this interval run the deep branches of the ulnar art. & nerve into the subtendinous part of the palm of the hand;