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Arteries of the Upper Limb

- See:
- Arterial Development of the Limbs :
- Upper Extremity Arteriogram of the Limbs :

Subclavian Artery
Axillary Artery
Supreme Thoracic Artery
Thoracoacromial Artery
Lateral Thoracic Artery
Subscapular Artery
Anterior Humeral Circumflex Artery
Posterior Humeral Circumflex Artery
Brachial Artery
Profunda Brachi
Median Artery
Radial Artery
Ulnar Artery

- Upper Extremity Emboli:
- upper extremity emboli can be removed thru brachial arteriotomy;
- transverse arteriotomy  is placed just above brachial bifurcation into radial and ulnar artery ;
- embolectomy is similar to lower extremity embolectomy with passage of catheteres both proximally and distally;
- number 2 or 3 Fr Fogarty catheters can usually be threaded into hand;
- if distal pulses do not return following restoration of flow, completion angiography is mandatory

An Experience with Upper-Extremity Vascular Trauma.

Year Book: Upper Extremity Arterial Injury in Athletes.

Year Book: Management of Arm Arterial Injuries.

The Extraosseous and Intraosseous Arterial Anatomy of the Adult Elbow.