- Discussion:
- first major branch of the brachial artery is the profunda brachii;
- arises from the brachial artery high in the arm, about level w/ lower edge of the latissimus dorsi tendon (18-25 cm above the medial
- leaves brachial artery to pass posteriorly company w/ radial nerve ;
- it runs along the spiral groove of the humerus;
- throughout its course, profunda artery & its paired venae comitantes lie close to the radial nerve;
- profunda vessels are overlaid by two heads of triceps (long & lateral head);
- emerging from beneath lateral head of the triceps, vessels enter lateral intermuscular septum;
- w/ proximal and posterior approach the triceps muscle is split between its lateral and long heads to expose the entire length of profunda
brachii vessels in the spiral groove;
- lateral intermuscular septum, which runs from deltoid insertion to lateral humeral epicondyle, is formed by investing fasciae of triceps
posteriorly and brachialis & brachioradialis anteriorly;
- distal continuation of the profunda artery, the posterior radial collateral artery, runs within septum and gives off cutaneous branches
throughout its length