- See: Arteries of the Upper Limb
- Discussion:
- branch of axillary artery;
- pierces the clavipectoral fascia and gives rise to 4 branches;
- clavicular - small branches that run toward sternoclavicular joint, supplying this and a little bit of the anterior thoracic wall;
- pectoral - largest branch;
- runs downward w/ lateral pectoral nerve on deep surface of pectoralis major;
- deltoid branch
- passes forward between clavicular head of pectoralis major & anterior edge of deltoid muscle & then downward (paralelling
cephalic vein) in the groove between two muscles;
- acromial - small branch
- often arising from deltoid branch, emerges between pectoralis major & deltoid, and enters network (rete) over the acromion;
- branches from suprascapular & posterior humeral arteries also contribute to the acromial rete