- Discussion:
- flexible flatfoot: may be divided into congenital and acquired forms:
- congenital flat foot:
- idiopathic
- valgus hindfoot deformity in CP
- hyper-pronation;
- accessory navicular:
- Marfan's syndrome;
- fragile X syndrome:
- this diagnosis should be considered in any male child w/ flat feet and mental retardation;
- calcaneovalgus deformity:
- common in infants and often resolves without treatment;
- infants allow dorsiflexion to the tibia and allows full plantar flexion and inversion;
- acquired flat foot:
- rheumatoid arthritis
- plantar fascia rupture;
- tibialis posterior rupture
- in this case, flat foot may result from the peroneus brevis muscle, which is a natural antagonist to the tibialis posterior;
- rigid or spastic flatfoot:
- accessory navicular
- congenital vertical talus
- tarsal coaliltion
- calcaneovalgus foot
- equino-valgus
- osteochondral fracture
- juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
- reactive peroneal spasm from frx or chronic joint dz