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- JRA is a persistent non infectious arthritis lasting more than 6 wks to 3 months after other possible etiologies have bee ruled out;
- most common chronic childhood rheumatoid dz;
- affects girls more than boys;
- synovial proliferation leads to joint destruction (chondrolysis) & soft tissue destruction;
- severe joint destruction is seen in only 5% of patients;
- differential diagnosis:
- in order to confirm the diagnosis, one of the following is required:
- rash
- presence of RF
- iridocyclitis
- C-spine dz
- pericarditis
- tenosynovitis
- intermittent fever
- AM stiffness;
- sub-types
- radiographs can show rarefeaction of juxta articular bone;
lower extremity
- flexion contractures (hip and knee flexed, & ankle dorsiflexed), subluxations & other deformities (hip protrusio, valgus knees, & equinovarus feet);
- growth deformities of the limbs:
- JRA may either cause lower extremity overgrowth (in patients less than age 9) or may lead to physeal arrest (in patients older than age 9);
- generally, when the disease develops before age 9, will have overgrowth of involved extremity, but overgrowth will not exceeded 3.0 cm;
- major discrepancy developed within the first 3-4 yrs and will then either increase very slowly thereafter, will remain level, or will decrease;
- reference: Leg-length discrepancies in monoarticular and pauciarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
- hip
- knee
- foot
- polyarticular JRA, simultaneous involvement of ankle & subtalar joints & remainder of the joints in the foot is common;
- ankle contracts into equinus (talipes equinus);
- subtalar joint may develop a varus or valgus deformity;
- includes night splinting, salicylates, and rarely, synovectomy (for chronic swelling refractory to medical management);
- arthrodesis and arthroplasty may be required for severe JRA:
- note: mortality rate for JRA pts undergoing arthroplasty is approx 18%, w/ death occurring before the third decade