- Discussion:
- classified pelvic ring injuries simply according to site of injury;
- anterior disruption can occur thru either pubic symphysis or pubic rami;
- injury may be through the ilium, the SI joint, or the sacrum;
- it can involve frx-dislocation of SI joint, which commonly involves frx through most posterior portion of iliac wing that crosses joint;
- frx line leaves a portion of ilium in its nl position, articulating w/upper portion of the SI joint;
- more anterior portion of the ilium dislocates from lower SI joint;
- acetabular fracture is another possible site of pelvic ring disruption;
- Classification includes ten fracture types subdivided by 5 simple frx:
- posterior wall;
- Posterior Column;
- Anterior wall;
- anterior column;
- Transverse frx
- combined frx types include combined posterior wall & post column frx, or posterior wall and Transverse frx as well as several more complex patterns;
- T-shaped fracture combines a transverse component & vertical component that separates the lower ischiopubic segment into the anterior and posterior columns.
- second type combines anterior and posterior hemitransverse frx, w/ anterior column or Anterior wall predominating in displacement;
- low and usually minimally displaced posterior hemitransverse component is present;
- in both column frx, all segments of the articular surface are detached from the ilium