The Hip - book

Pseudogout and Chondrocalcinosis

Discussion acute arthritis caused by CPPD crystal-induced inflammation; almost as common as gout & may perfectly mimic gout during acute flare; pseudogout attacks occurring before age 50 are uncommon; see: pseudogout occurence after joint replacement references: A histological study of calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal-deposition disease. Clinical features of pseudogout attack. A survey of 50 cases. … Read more

Fractures of the Humerus Menu

  Anterior Approach to Humerus Anterior Approach to Shoulder Arteries of the Upper Limb Blood Supply to the Humerus Classification of Proximal Humeral Fractures Condylar Fractures Distal Humeral Fractures Holstein Lewis Fractures Humerus Humeral Shaft Fracture Non Union of Humeral Fractures Pediatric Humeral Frx Posterior Approach to Shoulder Posterior Approach to Humerus Posterolateral Approach to the Distal … Read more