Ortho Oracle - orthopaedic operative atlas
Home » Muscles Tendons » Vercuronium


- Discussion: 
- nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent similar to pancuronium.
- has advantages over other nondepolarizing muscle relaxants by producing less hemodynamic changes, a shorter duration of action; 
- dose reductions are not required in renal failure, but may be indicated in hepatic disease. 
- Dose: 
- usual intraoperative doses are 0.08 to 0.1 mg/kg IV, followed by maintenance doses of 0.01 to 0.015 mg/kg
- dose: 0.25 mg/kg 
- half-life is 65 to 80 minutes. 
- Misc: 
- prior administration of succinylcholine may enhance the neuromuscular blocking effect and duration of action of vecuronium and therefore dosage should be reduced