- See: Fracture Dislocation:
- Discussion:
- pure avulsions of the lesser tuberosity are rare;
- pressence of this frx raises possibility of assoicatted posterior dislocation;
- lesser tuberosity fragment consists of the lesser tuberosity with its attached subscapularis muscle;
- avulsion of this frag may allow undue external rotation of humeral neck frx;
- two part lesser tuberosity frx are usually associated w/ posterior glenohumeral dislocation;
- small fragments can be treated without surgery;
- three part lesser tuberosity fractures:
- greater tuberosity is attached to the head;
- lies in internal rotation: articular surface faces posteriorly;
- shaft is pulled medially by the pectoralis major;
- long head of biceps may also be caught between fragments which obstructs reduction;
- Radiographs:
- attempt to get Axillary View since it is not only diagnostic of shoulder dislocation but also allows assessment of humeral head compression frx, glenoid frx, & lesser tuberosity frx of the humerus;
- Surgical Treatment: Two Part Frx:
- dynamic compression: either by tension band stabilization or incorporation of tuberosity fragment in a tension band plate;
- occassionally, cancellous lag screws with washers may be used to achieve stable fixation;
- rare frx, which may be assoic w/ posterior dislocation frx;
- if this frx is small and does not block medial rotation, successful treatment by closed reduction is possible;
- displacement of tuberosity & attached subscapularis insertion in absence of assoc dislocation rarely results in functional deficit
Year Book: Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Two-Part Displaced Fractures of the Greater Tuberosity of the Proximal Part of the Humerus.