- ROM:
- normal flexion is from 0 to 150 deg of motion and 80 deg of pronation and supination;
- functional range of motion is from 30-130 deg flexion and 50 deg of pronation-supination;
- no tenderness, synovitis, swelling, subcutaneous nodules along the olecranon border (bursa), lateral/medial epicondyle;
- no tenderness medial supracondylar line of humerus / no median nerve sx;
- with flexion, the olecranon and medial and lateral epicondyles formed an isosceles triangle;
- with extension olecranon and epicondyles lie in a straight line;
- with supination and pronation, no tenderness over radial head;
- no tenderness/instability of lateral colateral ligament with varus stress
- no tenderness/instability of medial colateral lig. with valgus stress;
- tennis elbow test
Functional Elbow Range of Motion for Contemporary Tasks