- See: Prosthetic Feet:
- PTB sockets:
- provide some weight bearing support in the area of patella tendon and medial tibial flare;
- BKA Suspension:
- important design considerations for both sockets include
- support (pressure distribution)
- control (based on limb socket interface)
- suspension (socket and/or corsete)
- alignment (angular and linear)
- total contact socket contour suspension is commonly used & can be one of two designs: patella
tendon bearing (PTB) or patella tendon supporting (PTS);
- ineffective suspension will manifest as pistoning during swing phase of gait;
- PTS sockets
- cover the condyles of the femur and have a high anterior wall enclosing the the patella;
- provides more support anteriorly & add improved stability & suspension;
- PTB w/ supracondylar cuff:
- advantages include a kinesthetic hyperextension stop;
- disadvantages include restriction in sitting, does not provide maximum M-L stability, and poor cosmesis;
- addition of a supracondylar wedge of a flexible material to a PTB socket gives more
stability by providing locking fit over the condyle (these may be fixed or removable);
- PTB w/ sleeve suspension:
- advantages include excellent suspension, conceals prosthetic trimlines, available in latex, neoprene ect.
- may cause dermatologic problems;
- neoprene sleeves can also be used to provide additional skin protection (especially for diabetics);
- Liners:
- Soft PTB sockets are most commonly prescribed, especially with bony or scarred residual limbs, peripheral vascular disease,
volumetrically unstable residual limbs;
- Hard sockets may be preferred in warm, humid climates;
- Pylete:
- TEM:
- Standard Prosthetic Alignment: (corsetless prosthesis)
- knee flexion moment (and posterior foot placement):
- typically, the BKA prosthesis is placed in 12-14 deg of flexion;
- increases effective heel lever, producing knee flexion from heel strike to foot flat;
- encourages knee flexion between strike and foot flat;
- reduces length of keel encouraging knee flexion from midstance to heel off;
- places the quadriceps muscle under slight stretch at heel strike, which improves stability and control;
- encourages "roll over" between mid stance and heel off;
- limits recurvatum (hyperextension) forces during mid-stance to terminal stance phase of gait;
- tends to load more pressure tolerant areas of the proximal tibia;
- note that when a BKA prosthesis with corsette is required, flexion is removed from the socket, and the prosthesis is translated
- excessive knee flexion (at heel strike) may result from:
- heel too firm (knee flexes when the heel is fully compressed);
- foot too posterior
- foot too dorsiflexed
- interface too flexed
- forward placement of socket
- causes increased knee entension
- patellar pain
- instability is not a problem;
- varus alignment:
- initial foot placement is 12 mm inset in relation to midpoint of interface;
- narrows the base of support
- smooths horizontal displacement of center of gravity
- makes for efficient gait;
- helps load pressure tolerant areas (medial tibial condyle, lateral fibular surface);
- excessive varus moment may be caused by:
- foot positioned too medially;
- M-L interface is too large;
- there is laxity of the lateral collateral ligament;
- insufficient varus moment may be exhibited by:
- foot positioned too laterally;
- loading of pressure sensitive areas (such as a load on the fibular head);
- in coronal plane fulcrum is about the patellar tendon;
- gait is excessivel widened;
- excessive medial shoe wear;
- translation of socket:
- lateral translation:
- excessive translation causes valgus knee strain;
- medial translation: (excessive translation causes:)
- varus strain on knee;
- due to 3 point bending, expect increased pressure distal-laterally and proximal-medially;
- anterior translation:
- slight anterior translation may be useful to minimize the tendency for knee hyperextension at heel strike (instead encourages knee
flexion), assists w/ roll over between mid stance and heel off;
- knee but excesssive cause knee to buckle into flexion at heel strike;
- posterior translation:
- tends to keep knee in hyperextension during stance phase;
- when a thigh corsette is used, the socket must be displaced posteriorly;
- Skin Tolerance:
- pressure tolerant areas:
- patellar ligament
- anterior compartment
- medial flare of the tibia
- distal end
- shaft of the fibula
- gastroc
- popliteal fossa
- pressure sensitive areas:
- anterior distal tibia
- fibular head
- crest of tibia
- peroneal nerve
- distal cut fibula
- lateral tibial condyle
- Common Prosthetic Problems:
- pistoning:
- pistoning during swing phase of gait is usually caused by ineffective suspension system;
- pistoning during the stance phase is due to poor socket fit or volume changes in stump (may require a change in stump sock
- pressure related pain or redness should be corrected w/ relief of the prosthesis in the affected area;
- foot related problems:
- too soft a foot results in excessive knee extension, while too hard a foot causes knee flexion and lateral rotation of toes;
- when a BKA prosthesis w/ corsette is required, then a softer heel cushion is required;
- too much knee hyperextension: (at heel off);
- foot too anterior or plantar flexed;
- insufficient flexion of the socket or posterior displacement of the socket;
- too soft heel cushion (knee flexes when the heel is fully compressed);
- too long a keel of a SACH foot
An alternative bent-knee prosthesis.
The preformed socket and modular assembly for primary amputees.
A plaster-pylon technique for below-knee amputation.
Prescription options for the below knee amputee. A review.
Amputations and Artificial *Limbs--Symposium:* New Developments in Recreational Prostheses and Adaptive Devices for the Amputee.
An improved modality in lower extremity amputee rehabilitation.
Function after amputation, arthrodesis, or arthroplasty for tumors about the knee.
Ambulation levels of bilateral lower-extremity amputees. Analysis of one hundred and three cases.
Comparative assessment of gait after limb-salvage procedures
Lower-extremity amputation with immediate postoperative prosthetic placement.