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Pelvic Fractures Menu

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Head Injury Cranio-Maxillary-Facial Injuries Cervical Spine Clavicle Fractures Shoulder Shoulder Spine Humerus Humerus Elbow Joint Elbow Joint Radius Radius Ulna / Ulnar Shaft Ulna / Ulnar Shaft Wrist Wrist Pelvic Pelvic Hand Hand Sacrum and Sacral Pelvic Hip Joint Hip Joint Femoral Shaft Femoral Shaft Knee Joint  Tibia / Tibia Frx Ankle Joint Orthopaedic Foot Orthopaedic Foot

- See:
Acetabular Frx
Work Up for Pelvic Fracture

- Anterior Posterior Compression Injuries
- Arterial Anatomy of Lower Limbs
- Classification
- Crescent Fracture
- External Fixation
- Iliac Wing Fractures
- Ilioinguinal Approach
- Lateral Compression Injuries
- Malgaigne Fracture
- Neurologic Injury
- Pediatric Pelvic Fractures
- Posterior Pelvic Injury
- Radiology of the Pelvis
- Sacral Fractures
- Sacroiliac Fracture Dislocations
- Symphysis Pubis Injuries
- Urinary and Rectal Injuries
- Vascular Injuries from Pelvic Fractures: (reduction of pelvic volume)
- Vertical Shear

- see synthes technique guide

Clifford Roberts Wheeless III MD / Orthopaedic Specialists of North Carolina
