Cardiac Output
Catheter Description
Central Lines
Central Venous Pressure
Heart Rate
Internal Jugular Veins
Mixed Venous O2
Respiratory Failure
Subclavian Vein Approach
Systemic Vascular Resistance
Technique for Microvascular Vein Grafting
Wave patterns
Wedge Pressure
CaO2 = (1.34)(Hgb)(SaO2) + (0.0031)(PaO2)
CvO2 = (1.34)(Hgb)(SvO2) + (00.031)(PvO2)
Oxygen Delivery = Q * CaO2;
Oxygen Delivery = Hgb (g/dl) * % O2 Sat * (1.39 * CO)
- transfusion will increase hemoglobin;
- inotropes will increase CO
- oxygen will increase O2 Sat
- correction of alkalosis and hypothermia will shift the dissociation curve to the right
Oxygen consumption = Q * (CaO2 - CvO2)
An evaluation of triple-lumen catheter infections using a guidewire exchange technique.