- See:
- A. Flutter
- Causes of A. fib
- r/o WPW as a predisposing cause;
- If Unstable (or onset < 3 days): Cardio Convert (100 J)
- If Stable: (w/ rates greater than 100/min) Consider
- Digoxin: to slow the AV conduction rate
- Propanolol:
- Diltiazem
- Verapamil:
- combination of Digoxin, Verapamil, and Beta blocker can lead to complete heart block, while Verapamil and propanolol can lead to sinus arrest;
- After Slowing of AV conduction;
- quinidine: may be used only after stabilization w/ Digoxin - Procainamide
- either of these meds may convert A. fib to Normal Sinus Rhythm;
- Class I agents should be withheld until adequate control of AV conduction has been obtained, as they enhance AV conduction;
- New Onset Stable A. fib:
- rate < 145, SBP > 100, & pt is awake, alert, and has no angina;
- treatment is rapid Digitalization;
- give 0.5 mg IV initially and 0.25 mg IV q6 hr for 2 or 3 additional doses for a total of 1 mg or 1.25 mg;
- peak effect may not take effect for 90 to 120 min;
- if patient does not slow after the initial Digoxin dose, additional drug may be given 0.25 mg IV q2hr until the heart rate slows