- origin:
- posterior fibers: ischial tuberosity;
- anterior fibers: ramus of ischium and pubis;
- insertion:
- from a line extending from the greater trochanter along linea aspera, medial suprcondylar line and adductor tubercle on medial condyle of femur;
- action:
- adduction of the thigh at the hip;
- fibers arising from ischium and ramus of ischium primarily insert distally and aid in hip extension;
- fibers arising from ramus of pubis insert proximally and aid in hip flexion;
- assistance in lateral rotation, medial rotation is of controversey;
- nerve supply: obturator and sciatic, L2, L3, L4, L5, S1;
- synergists: adductor brevis, adductor longus, pectineus, gracilis
Diagnosis of Acute Groin Injuries. A Prospective Study of 110 Athletes
Symptomatic cortical irregularities of the distal femur simulating malignancy.
Adductor-related groin pain in athletes: correlation of MR imaging with clinical findings.