- Discussion:
- in forearm, attention is directed to interval between tendons of ECRL & Brachioradialis, which is optimal site of insertion for proximal half pin;
- superficial branch of radial nerve emerges in interval between ECRL brachioradialis mentioned tendons & should be identified & protected when inserting the proximal Schanz screw;
- muscle bellies of abductor pollicis longus & EPB must be spared;
- it may be necessary to position one Schanz screw proximal & second distal to muscles;
- due to the divergence of the tendons of ECRL & ECRB in distal forearm, optimal placement of distal Schanz screw is in interval between them;
- border of this muscle group may be palpated between approx 4-5 cm & 4-10 cm proximal to the tip of radial styloid process;
- inadvertent transfixation of these muscles causes significant pain & greatly impairs active and passive flexion and opposition of thumb