- See: EMG Menu:
- Discussions:
- fibrillations are action potentials that arise spontaneously from single muscle fibers;
- these usually occur rhythmically and are though to be due oscillations of the resting membrane potential in denervated muscles;
- are typically biphasic or triphasic waveforms that are distinguished from end plate potentials by their initial positive phase and high pitched repetitive click;
- fibrillations & positive sharp waves are found in denervated muscles, but may not appear for three to five weeks after the nerve lesion;
- seen most often seen in neurologic lesions affecting motorneurons, spinal roots, plexus, or peripheral nerves;
- remain until nerve becomes reinnervated or the nerve becomes fibrotic;
- fibrillation potentials alone are not diagnostic of denervation, because they occur in primary muscle diseases such as polymyositis and muscular dystrophy;
- Fasiculation Potentials:
- fasciculation potentials are caused by the spontaneous discharges of group of muscle fibers representing a whole or part of motor unit, usually producing
a visible twitching in the muscle;
- fasciculation potentials most often occur in disease of anterior horn cells;
- commonly occur in:
- ALS;
- progressive spinal muscular atrophy;
- polio;
- syringomyelia