- See: Impediments to Reduction
- Early DDH:
- Barlow's Test
- Ortolani's test
- Hip Clicks:
- common occurance on physical exam;
- there is no published significance of hip clicks;
- Late DDH:
- tightness of adductors; (limited abduction);
- this becomes the most consistent sign of DDH after 2-3 months of age;
- in the report by Omeroglu and Koparal, limitation of abduction and asymmetry of the skin folds were the two most common clinical findings associated with DDH.
- The role of clinical examination and risk factors in the diagnosis of developmental dysplasia of the hip: a prospective study in 188 referred young infants.
- extra skin folds;
- since femoral head is not contained w/ in acetabulum, thigh is shortened, skin and subcutaneous tissue bunch up;
- allis or galeazzi's sign:
- w/ patient supine & hips and knees flexed, knees are not at same level;
- pistoning, or telescoping
- femur can be freely moved up and down;
- trendelenburg gait:
- child walks w/ a significant limp because of shortening of the limb, telescoping of femoral head on the pelvis, and a contralateral tilt of pelvis due to abductor muscle weakness
Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Congenital Dislocation of the Hip.