- See:
- Congenital Hip Dislocation
- Ortolani's test
- Discussion:
- Barlow's test identifies unstable hip that lies in the reduced position but can be passively dislocated (and hence unstable);
- less than 2% of infants will have a positive Barlow test;
- 60% will normalize w/ no treatment after 1 month;
- 88% will normalize w/ no treatment after 2 months;
- Technique:
- hip is flexed, & thigh adducted, while pushing posteriorly in line of the shaft of femur, causing femoral head to dislocate posteriorly from acetabulum;
- dislocation is palpable as femoral head slips out of acetabulum;
- diagnosis is confirmed with Ortolani's test;
- Management:
- w/ a positive test, dynamic positioning is generally required w/ a Pavlik harness to ensure that hip does not dislocate
Untreated congenital hip dysplasia in the Navajo.
Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Congenital Dislocation of the Hip.