- See:
- Avulsion Fracture
- Comminuted Fractures
- Fracture Dislocations
- Oblique Fractures
- Surgical Approach:
- Discussion:
- transverse frx enters semilunar notch, & amount of separation of is influenced by the pull of triceps muscle & integerity of triceps
aponeurosis and periosteum of the olecranon;
- Simple Type:
- fracture occurs at the deepest point of the trochlear notch;
- it is an Avulsion Fracture and results from a sudden pull of both the triceps and brachialis muscles;
- it may also result from a direct fall on the olecranon itself;
- Complex Type:
- result from direct force w/ associatted comminution & joint depression;
- once the fragment is reduced, a defect may be left which may may need to be bone grafted;
- Treatment:
- tension band wiring