- See: Renal Osteodystrophy
- Discussion:
- seen in hemodialysis patients with chronic renal failure and typically invovles three adjacent vertebrae with intervening discs;
- changes include subluxation, degeneration, and narrowing of disc ht;
- although the process may resemble infection, it probably represents crystal or amyloid deposition;
- bone disease is a major complication of uremia and persists and sometimes worses even after the iniation of hemodialysis;
- when bone disease becomes severe, spontaneous fractures may occur, esp in the ribs, pelvis, and hips;
- uremic pts with advanced hyperparathyroidism appear prone to nontraumatic aseptic necrosis of the hips;
- 20% of pts with renal osteodystrophy also show osteosclerosis, most frequently in the spine, but may also occur in long bones;
- osteomalacia is commonly seen in patients on hemodyalysis therapy for chronic renal failure;
- although it was originally presumed that the cause of this condition was an inability to for 1-25 Vit D does not usually correct this defect;
- instead, the major cause of the osteomalacia is the intoxication of the skeleton with aluminum;
- aluminum is presented to the body in form of aluminum containing phosphate binding antacids which are used to control phosphate accumulation in pts with renal failure
Destructive spondylo-arthropathy during long-term haemodialysis.
Tendinitis and tendon ruptures in successful renal transplant recipients.
Femoral neck fractures in patients receiving long-term dialysis.
Tendinitis--a common complication after renal transplantation.