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Osgood Schlatter Lesion

- Discussion:
- refers to partial avulsion of the tibial tuberosity (anterior surface of apophysis) which has no involvement of tibial physis;
- usually occurs in late childhood or early adolescence;
- more common in boys;
- may represent an over use disease;
- repetitive stress on tuberosity may cause partial avulsion;
- a painful non union will develop, if intervening gap fills with fibrous tissue rather than bone;

- Anatomy:
- in fetus, tibial tuberosity develops from anterior aspect of proximal epiphysis;
- it subsequently develops its own growth plate and during childhood, it develops its own center of ossification;
- this ossification center expands proximally and by age 17, it blends with ossification center of the tibial epiphysis;

- Clinical Manifestions:
- local swelling and tenderness;
- pain is aggravated by direct prssure of tibial prominence & jumping;

- Diff Dx:
- avulsion of tibial tubercle:
- Osgood-Schlatter disease may be a risk factor for complete avulsion of the tibial tubercle;

- Radiographic Findings;
- radiographs will not be helpful if injury occurs during preossification phase;
- once the ossification center develops, radiographs will reveal radiodense fragments separated from tibial tuberosity;

- Non Operative Treatment:
- avoidance of strenuous exercise and jumping sports;
- some pts may require bracing or a sleeve cast;
- expect complete resolution w/ in 1-2 yrs in most patients;

- Surgical Treatment: rarely necessary

The so-called unresolved Osgood-Schlatter lesion: a concept based on fifteen surgically treated lesions.

Surgical treatment of unresolved Osgood-Schlatter lesion.

Osgood-Schlatter's disease in tibial tuberosity development.

Osgood-Schlatter's disease in adolescent athletes. Retrospective study of incidence and duration.