- See: Back Pain in Children
- Discussion:
- occult frxs typically occur after minor injuries, such as falls during sports-related activities;
- most occult fractures heal spontaneously in 8 months;
- diff dx:
- disc-space infection
- osteoid-osteoma
- spinal cord tumor
- slipped vertebral apophysis
- herniated disc
- scheuermann disease
- rheumatoid spondylitis
- Exam:
- most sensitive finding is pain with back extension
- Radiographs:
- frx may not be visible on plain roentgenograms;
- if patient has persistent pain, a technetium bone may be useful for localization of occult frx, as MRI can miss
the diagnosis;
- Treatment:
- restriction of athletic activities:
- restrict activity until acute symptoms have resolved, followed by institution of a rehabilitation program;
- immobilization w/ orthosis:
- immoblization may be necessary to relieve pain if decreasing activity does not relieve pain;