Basic Science
- Kinematic changes after fusion and total replacement of the ankle part 1: range of motion Foot Ankle Int. 2003
- Kinematic changes after fusion and total replacement of the ankle part 2: movement transfer Foot Ankle Int. 2003
- Kinematic changes after fusion and total replacement of the ankle part 3: talar movement Foot Ankle Int. 2003
- [Three-dimensional analysis of the foot following implantation of a HINTEGRA ankle prosthesis: evaluation with the Heidelberg foot model] Orthopade. 2006
- [Muscle biomechanics in total ankle replacement] Orthopade. 2006
- Gait analysis in ankle osteoarthritis and total ankle replacement Clin Biomech. 2007
- J. Leonard Goldner Award 2006. Total ankle replacement in ankle osteoarthritis: an analysis of muscle rehabilitation Foot Ankle Int. 2007
- [Lower leg muscle atrophy in ankle osteoarthritis and its rehabilitation after implantation of a total ankle arthroplasty] FussSprungg 2007
- The effects of total ankle replacement on gait disability: analysis of energetic and mechanical variables Gait Posture. 2008