Medical Malpractice Insurance for orthopaedic surgeons

Section 17, Chapter 5: Surgical Treatment of Fractures – Anterior Treatment and Reconstruction

Timo Stubig, Michael Grevitt, Christian W. Mueller INTRODUCTION Thoracic and thoracolumbar injuries with significant vertebral comminution and/or ligamentous instability may result in mechanical instability or compression of neural elements. The optimal therapy for thoracolumbar and lumbar spine fractures is not clear. Although different countries and institutions claim to provide optimal care, the evidence is largely … Read more

Section 17, Chapter 8: Sports Injuries of the Thoracic and Lumbar Spine

Christoph E. Albers and Lorin M. Benneker INTRODUCTION Reportedly, nine to fifteen percent of sports injuries affect the spinal column.1-3 The majority of these injuries are benign myofascial strains responding well to physical therapy without mid- or long-term impact on athletic performance. However, more severe injuries may occur including fractures or osseous instability, disco-ligamentous instability … Read more

Section 19, Chapter 1: Infections of the Spine

Harold I. Salmons, Jeffrey Ta, Hamadi Murphy, Arjun Sebastian, Kris Radcliff, Alex Vaccaro INTRODUCTION Spinal infections involve pyogenic or granulomatous infections of the vertebral column, intervertebral discs, the dural sac or the epidural space. Infections of the spine can take the form of a primary infection of the spine or a spread of microorganisms originating … Read more