- See: Blood Prod Menu
- Discussion:
- septic reaction: considered when high fever and hypotension accompany a transfusion reaction;
- transmission of disease:
- HIV: risk is estimated to be about 1 in 200,000-800,000;
- hepatitis B: estimated risk is 1 in 200,000;
- hepatitis C:
- probably 2-3% of population has hepatitis C antibodies, and hepatitis C related cirrhosis is the leading cause of liver transplantation in the US;
- now that 2nd generation screening tests are available, estimated transfusion risk is 1 in 3,000-5,000 (but may be as low as 1:100,000);
- infection tends to be chronic and perisistent eventhough patients may be asymptomatic - long term, cirrhosis may develop in 20%;
- clincical findings: ascites, heptosplenomegaly, and encephalopathy;
- lab test will reveal elevated LFT's (ALT), and liver biopsy may reveal portal or bridging fibrosis,
and at least moderate degrees of inflammation and necrosis;
- be aware that combination of interferon and ribavirin has been FDA approved for treatment of hepatitis C;
- w/ needle stick injury, consider inteferon treatment (50 % effective);
- w/ no treatment, risk of infection is about 3.5%;
- patients need to avoid contaminating family members avoid sharing utensiles, toothbrushes ect;
- references:
- Hepatitis C Virus Infection: Review and Implications for the Orthopaedic Surgeon.
- Incidence of hepatitis C in patients requiring orthopaedic surgery.
- The declining risk of post-transfusion hepatitis C virus infection.
Medical News & Perspectives: As the Blood Supply Gets Safer, Experts Still Call for Ways to Reduce the Need for Transfusions.