- Discussion:
- sinus tarsi is the depression found on the lateral side of the tarsus and is distal to and on the same level as the lateral malleolus;
- on incision of the structures overlying the sinus tarsi - namely, lateral portion of the inferior extensor retinaculum, interosseous talocalcaneal
ligament and reflection of the extensor digitorum brevis muscle belly distally
- one exposes lateral talocalcaneal, talo- navicular, & calcaneocuboid articulations;
- Sinus Tarsi Syndrome:
- pain and tenderness on the lateral side of the hindfoot originating from the area of the sinus tarsus (talocalcaneal sulcus - a tunnel between
the talus and calcaneus;
- sinus is filled with the interosseous talocalcaneal ligament, which, when injured (usually w/ lateral ankle sprains) or aggravated (w/
inflammatory arthritis) can lead to characteristic pain
Anatomy of ligamentous structures in the tarsal sinus and canal.