- See:
- Radiology of Subtalar Joint
- Hawkins Sign
- Talar Neck View: (modified AP (Canale/Kelly));
- this projection is helpful in assessing degree of frx displacement and adequacy of reduction;
- best view to demonstrate the talar neck, varus angulation, medial malposition or dorsal displacement of neck;
- minimally displaced frxs may assume varus deformity at frx site that are not appreciated on standard view;
- technique:
- foot is positioned as for AP view w/ lateral border rotated 15 deg off table (foot pronated);
- w/ foot in max equinus, foot is placed on cassete & pronated 15 deg, w/ beam is directed cephalad 75 deg cephalad from horizontal;
- central beam is directed vertically to talar neck w/ 15 deg cephalic tilt from the vertical (75 deg tilt from horizontal);
- AP and Oblique x-ray:
- will demonstrate alignment of talar body in mortise;
- Lateral:
- will best show talar neck frx line & alignment of posterior facet of the sub-talar joint