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Compartment Syndrome of Thigh

- Disscussion:
    - compartment syndrome is uncommon in thigh because of large-volume that the thigh requires to cause a pathological increase in interstitial pressure;
    - fascial compartments of thigh blend anatomically w/ muscles of hip,potentially allowing extravasation of blood outside compartment;
    - compartment syndrome may be caused by a decrease in compartmental volume, increase in compartmental contents, or externally pressure;

- Predisposing Factors:
    - systemic hypotension;
    - history of external compression of thigh
    - use of military antishock trousers
    - coagulopathy
    - vascular injury
    - severe blunt trauma to the thigh;
    - iliofemoral DVT;
    - intra-medullary nailing:
          - re-establishing femoral length thru skeletal traction or reduction of frx decreases the volume of compartments of the thigh and thus contributes to the development of a compartment syndrome;
          - decrease in the volume of compartment of thigh resulting from reduction of fracture may account for development of compartment syndrome following IM nailing;
          - hence need to reconsider compartment pressure following skeletal traction or reduction following IM nailing

Acute Compartment Syndrome of the Thigh. A Spectrum of Injury.

Gluteal compartment and crush syndromes. Report of three cases and review of the literature.

Gluteal compartment syndromes: a report of three cases and management utilizing the Wick catheter.

Spontaneous gluteal artery rupture resulting in compartment syndrome and sciatic neuropathy. Report of a case in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.

Simulation of compartment syndrome by rupture of the deep femoral artery from blunt trauma.

Clinical Spectrum of Acute Compartment Syndrome of the Thigh and Its Relation to Associated Injuries.

Functional Outcome After Acute Compartment Syndrome of the Thigh.