- Discussion:
- for streptococcus and staph when penicillin is contraindicated;
- tetracycline works by inhibiting the 70s bacterial ribosomes;
- adult:250-500 mg PO bid/qid (taken between meals);
- IM/IV routes not recommended;
- peds: RMSF: 25-50 mg/kg/day q6 hr for 7 to 10 days;
- supplied: cap 250, 500 mg; syrup 125 mg/5 ml;
- contraindicated w/ renal failure & hepatic failure;
- contraindicated with hypersensitivity to tetracycline;
- contra in Peds < 8yrs;
- concomitant therapy with antacids impairs Tet absorption;
- calcium and zinc will decrease absorption;
- d/c tetracycline if over-growth of nonsuseptable organisms occurs;
- caution with anticoagulants, Tet depresses plasma prothrombin activity;
- good diffusion from blood into CSF only with inflammation;
- note: ratio of CSF to blood level(%): normal meninges: inflammed meninges: 25%;
- dosing regimens for patients with renal insufficiency:
- 60% of drug will be excreted in to urine (w/ nl renal (fx)) over 96 hr;
- dose for 70kg Adult (gm / dosing interval in hours):
- CrCl: > 80: 0.5/6;
- CrCl: 50-79: 0.5/6;
- CrCl: 30-49: 0.5/8-12;
- CrCl:10-29
- may cause photosensitivity;
- tetra will increase digoxin toxicity, and will increase effects of insulin