- Discussion:
- for primary hyperaldosteronism, HTN, CHF, Cirrhosis;
- also used for diuretic induced hypokalemia when oral supplements or other potassium sparing agents are inappropriate;
- diruetic of choice for cirrhotic edema and ascites;
- Adult: Edema:
- 25-200 mg/day administered in single or divided doses;
- if diuresis remains inadequate, add 2nd diuretic agent w/ action more proximal in the renal tubule;
- HTN:
- 50-100mg/day initially; adjust dose after 2 weeks;
- add 2nd diuretic agent w/ action on proximal renal tubule if HTN persists;
- or... 25-100mg/24hr PO in divided doses;
- max dose: 400mg/day for primary hyperaldosteronism;
- may take upto 3-4 days for diuretic effect;
- Contraindicated with anuria, hyperkalemia, renal impairment