- See:
- Ulnar Nerve:
- Cubital Tunnel Syndrome:
- Discussion:
- ulnar nerve neuritis is a reported of operative treatment for elbow frxs;
- one of complications of ORIF of elbow frxs is adherence of the ulnar nerve directly to medial epicondylar region w/ subsequent ulnar
- potential for both intraoperative damage and postoperative scarring about the nerve can be reduced by anterior transposition;
- of note, there is one report in which anterior transposition was not performed in 54/55 cases w/o neurologic sequalae;
- ref: Intercondylar fractures of the distal humerus in adults: a critical analysis of 55 cases.
- Anterior Transposition:
- anterior elevation of the nerve from cubital tunnel
- proximal dissection to level of the medial intermuscular septum (about 4 cm);
- distal dissection for 6 cm past its entrance between two heads of FCU;
- fascia over FCU is split longitudinally;
- preserve individual muscle branches to flexor pronator muscle group