- Discussion:
- see Static Stabilizers
- because of shallow socket of GHJ, stability is conferred by capsle, ligaments, & muscle rather than bone;
- capsule is somewhat loose & approx double size of humeral head, allowing for extensive range of motion;
- shoulder capsule maintains a negative intra articular pressure;
- arises as result of high osmotic pressure in surrounding tissues which acts to draw water from the joint;
- GHJ nl contains < 1 cc fluid, although it can accommodate > 30 cc
- watertight capsule of Glenohumeral joint is pulled inwardly by neg intraarticular pressure which tends to confers stability;
- integrity of capsule is important for maintaining stability;
- Anatomy:
- Scapulohumeral Ligaments: (5 scapulohumeral ligaments):
- coacohumeral
- superior glenohumeral ligaments;
- middle glenohumeral ligaments;
- anteroinferior glenohumeral ligament
- posteroinferior glenohumeral ligaments