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Adductor Hallucis


- See: Plantar Muscles of the Foot:

- Anatomy:
    - origin:
            - oblique Head: the proximal ends ofthe 2nd, 3rd, and 4th metatarsals.
            - transverse Head: the metatarsophalangeal ligaments of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th toes.
    - insertion:
            - lateral sesamoid bone at the MP joint of the big toe;
            - it then inserts into the proximal phalanx of the big toe;
            - in the anatomic study by Owens et al, the authors examined 42 fresh frozen specimens inorder to to determine the exact insertional anatomy of this muscle;
                   - all specimens were found to have only a conjoined insertion of fibers of the adductor hallucis and of the flexor hallucis brevis from the
                           lateral sesamoid into the base of the proximal phalanx;
                   - they did not identify a separate tendon-insertion into the proximal phalanx in any specimen;
                   - clinical correlation: great caution should be exercised in releasing an isolated insertion of the adductor tendon from the base of the proximal phalanx
                          of the great toe since it may actually represent conjoined insertion of the lateral flexor hallucis brevis tendon and the adductor tendon;
                          - they found that by simply releasing the adductor tendon from its insertion along the lateral aspect of the sesamoid, accomplished
                                   through an incision in the dorsal first web, that an adequate release was achieved in most specimens;
    - action: draws the great toe towards the 2nd toe;
    - nerve supply: lateral plantar nerve, S1, S2; (See innerv. musc. lower limb)

The adductor hallucis revisited

Sesamoid disorders and treatment. An update.