- Discussion:
- glenohumeral arthritis;
- look for the characteristic osteophyte at the inferior aspect of the humeral head;
- nerve palsy:
- w/ atrophy of both the supraspinatus and infraspinatus, consider obtaining an MRI of the shoulder, to evaluate for space occupying lesion causing suprascapular nerve palsy;
- also consider EMG:
- glenohumeral instability (either recurrent anterior or multidirectional)
- commonly mistaken for impingement syndrome in younger patients;
- w/ large labral detachement or tear, symptoms may be similar to impingement syndrome;
- positive apprehension sign will confirm the diagnosis;
- subacromial injection of lidocaine does not usually relieve symptoms relating to shoulder instability;
- cervical spondylosis (radiculitis);
- frozen shoulder (non outlet impingement)
- soft tissue contractures of frozen shoulder may cause translation of humeral head w/ attempted flexion which can result in impingement despite normal acromial anatomy;
- patients w/ contracture of the posterior capsule (and loss of internal rotation) will be most likely to demonstrate signs of impingement (despite normal acromial anatomy);
- AC joint arthritis;
- lidocaine injection into acromioclavicular joint distinguishes this problem from impingement;
- paralysis of the trapezius
- interarticular pathology, such as glenohumeral arthritis, presents w/ bony crepitus and greater limitations of passive motion;
- true AP & axillary view of glenohumeral joint will show arthritis;
- calcific tendinitis:
- cuff tear arthropathy
- biceps tendonitis
- reflex sympathetic dystrophy
- thoracic outlet syndrome
- os acromiale