- Sampling of Mixed Venous O2:
- Shows changes in Arterial oxygenation as the Cardiac Output changes;
- Allows calculation of AVo diff and Shunt: (for Respiratory Failure);
- PVo2 < 30 mm Hg, prognosis is poor;
- Discussion:
- normally the Svo2 is about 68 to 77%, w/ a PaO2 to 40 mm Hg;
- if Vo2 is constant, reductions in Svo2 values should reflect increases in oxygen demand or decreases in Cardiac Output or arterial O2 content;
- decrease in Svo2 of > 10%, or a fall in Svo2 to less than 60% usually indicates inadequate oxygen delivery to the tissues;
- Svo2 less than 50% is often associatted with hypotension
Hemodynamic and oxygen transport responses in survivors and nonsurvivors of high-risk surgery.
Oxygen consumption and resting metabolic rate in sepsis, sepsis syndrome, and septic shock.