- Increased:
- Volume depletion, CHF, Adrenal Insufficiency, DM, SIADH, Increased proteins (nephrosis) (upto 1.050);
- If markedly increased (1.040-1.050), Suspect artifact or excretion of radiographic contrast media;
- Decreased:
- DI, Pyelonephritis, Glomerulonephritis, Waterload w/ Nl Renal Function;
- Misc:
- Specific gravity varies inversely with urine excretion
- In some conditions this relationship is affected:
- Diabetes: increased volume; increased specific gravity;
- HTN: normal volume; decreased specific gravity;
- Early chronic renal disease: increased volume; decreased spec. gravity;
- Interfering Factors:
- SG highest in the AM sample
- Elevated with Excess water loss
- contrast media in contrasts (and dextrin): false positive