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Adult Radial Neck Fractures

- See: Pediatric Radial Neck Frx

- ORIF of radial neck frx in adults:
- similar principles as radial head frx
- see: posterolateral approach:
- consider the new precontoured radial head locking plates;
- careful not to injure posterior interosseous nerve
- safe zone:
                 - radial head is covered by cartilage on 360 degrees of its circumference;
- w/ normal range of forearm rotation of 160 to 180 degrees, there is a safe area that will not impinge;
- location: between zone of radial styloid and Lister's tubercle;
- hardware is kept within a 90-degree arc on the radial head between these two landmarks;
Radial head and neck fractures: Anatomic guidelines for proper placement of internal fixation.
The nonarticulating portion of the radial head: Anatomic and clinical correlations for internal fixation.
- following fixation, test for MCL instability which is commonly found in adults


Is cross-screw fixation superior to plate for radial neck fractures?