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Home » Bones » Tibia and Fibula » Pediatric Pronation-External Rotation Frx

Pediatric Pronation-External Rotation Frx

- See: Adult Pronation External Rotation Frx

- Distal Tibia:
    - SH type II frx of distal tibial physis is most common pattern:
    - metaphyseal fragment is characteristically localized on lateral side or posterolaterally;
    - lateral or posterior displacement is also present;
    - SH type I frx is occassionally present;
    - look for residual valgus deformity;

- Distal Fibula:
    - fibular frx has a short oblique course and is approx 4-7 cm from tip of lateral malleolus;

- Complications:
    - Failure to Achieve Reduction:
        - due to soft tissue interposition which leads to valgus deformity;
        - a lateral or posterolateral metaphyseal fragment, may get caught behind fibula, complicating attempts at closed reduction;
              - may require anterolateral incision, to disengage the metaphyseal spike;
        - closed reduction of this frx can sometimes be difficult since this triangular fragment may become jammed between tibia & fibula;
        - up to 10 deg of spontaneous remodeling may occur in child < 10 yrs;

- Physeal Arrest:
    - may lead to leg length deformity

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