- Location of Frx:
- distal 1/3 : 75%
- middle 1/3 : 18%
- proximal 1/3: 7%
- distal 1/3 : 75%
- middle 1/3 : 18%
- proximal 1/3: 7%
- Surgical Approach:
- Proximal Radius Fx (Thompson)
- Distal Radius Fx (Henry)
- Comminution:
- side of comminution may dictate plate placement;
- comminution involving more than 1/3 of circumference of shaft may necessitate bone grafting;
- bone grafting should be away from interosseous membrane to decrease risk for synostosis;
- ref: The management of segmental bone loss associated with forearm fractures.
- Lag Screw:
- see: lag screw theory:
- may be possible with oblique fractures;
- Implants for Frx of Radius & Ulna:
- plate needs sufficient length for 4-6 cortices on either side;
- Reduction Clamps:
- ensure that a wide variety of reduction clamps are available, especially if there is fracture comminution