- Inlet View of the Pelvis: (cauded projection)
- caudad projection, also called inlet view, best demonstrates ring configuration of pelvis, & narrowing or widening of diameter of ring is immediately apparent.
- evaluates for posterior displacement of pelvic ring or opening of pubic symphysis;
- technique:
- x-ray is parallel to plane of sacrum, & sacrum is seen on end w/ vertebral body anteriorly & sacral lamina posteriorly;
- pt is positioned as in AP view of pelvis w/ beam tilted 25 degree caudally;
- or taken by directing X-ray beam 60 deg from head to mid pelvis, is best radiographic view to demonstrate posterior displacement;
- Outlet View: (cephalad projection)
- cephalad projection, also called the outlet or tangential view,shows the anterior ring superimposed on the posterior ring.
- evaluates for vertical shift of pelvis (migration of hemipelvis);
- proximal or distal displacements of anterior or posterior portion of ring are best appreciated on this view;
- sacrum appears in its longest dimension, w/ neural foramina evident.
- technique:
- x-ray beam is perpendicular to plane of sacrum.
- pt is positioned as in AP view of pelvis w/ beam tilted 35 deg cephalad