- Acrosyndactyly;
- Delta Phalanx;
- Poland's syndrome:
- hypoplasia of hand and simple syndactyly of fingers on the same side as the absent pectoral muscles (and other chest wall muscles);
- Apert's Syndrome:
- when all digits are joined, as is common in spoon hand of Apert's syndrome (acrocephalosyndactyly), it is important to release border
digits-thumb and small finger-first;
- remaining 3 joined fingers can be managed by removing middle digit, thus creating a three-fingered hand with a thumb and sufficient
skin for closure;
- Chromosomal Syndromes:
- trisomy of 13, 18, or 21;
- deletion of short arm of chromsome 5;
- Craniofacial Syndromes:
- Aglossia adactylia
- Mobius Syndrome
- Oculomandibulofacial syndrome